Thursday, July 30, 2009

Report A Signal That Doesn't 'Detect' Your Bike

This past legislative session, a bill was passed that requires the Washington State Department of Transportation to adjust vehicle-activated traffic control signals that don't detect bikes and motorcycles.

Part of the bill reads: “During routine maintenance or monitoring activities, but subject to the availability of funds: All existing vehicle-activated traffic control signals that do not currently routinely and reliably detect motorcycles and bicycles must be adjusted to do so to the extent that the existing equipment is capable consistent with safe traffic control. Priority must be given to existing vehicle-activated traffic control signals for which complaints relating to motorcycle or bicycle detection have been received and existing vehicle-activated traffic control signals that are otherwise identified as a detection problem for motorcyclists or bicyclists, or both. Jurisdictions operating existing vehicle-activated traffic control signals shall establish and publicize a procedure for filing these complaints in writing or by e-mail, and maintain a record of these complaints and responses”.

As a result, the Washington State Department of Transportation is looking for comments from bicyclists and motorcycle drivers who notice when traffic signals don't “detect” them. You can submit your comments, or get more information,here or in writing at WSDOT Ombudsman P. O. Box 47327 Olympia, WA 98504-7327.


Anonymous said...

The left turn signal on Alberta and Francis (heading south) does not detect me on my bike. Thanks for the info!


SRTC Staff said...

Hmmm... very interesting. This may call for an SRTC biker gang field trip to see how many bicycles it takes to get it to change.

vanillajane said...

OMG! There are so many intersections where no cars are nearby, but the light will only turn green if I get onto the sidewalk and press the walk button as if I'm crossing the street. ANNOYING!

Hey, I need to find a way to join your office so I can go on these infotaining fact-gathering missions! HA HA!

SRTC Staff said...

Why do I get the feeling you're mocking our fact-gathering missions? Believe me, they're all 100% government business. No fun allowed on these trips. It's work, work, work for us government employees :)

Anonymous said...

Mission and Barker - heading west and turning left (south) on Barker. Do I proceed through the red light after waiting a while or should I put down the kickstand on the scooter, walk over and push the button to get the light to change, and then walk back over to the scooter?

SRTC Staff said...

Um... don't quote me on this but I'd say look both ways... twice... and roll through that bad boy. If the cops catch you, explain the situation. I actually got caught doing that one time, but it was in a car. The officer was gruff with me but didn't give me a ticket.

Rachel said...

I tried reporting a couple of signals within the Spokane city limits and they replied telling me to report these to the city.

Thought I'd share that so that people don't waste their time reporting it to the wrong folks. WSDOT said they are responsible for state highways, while the city would be responsible for signals within their jurisdiction.

I usually ride the same few routes, but so far I'm up to three:
Indiana at Maple and Ash, and Lyons at Division.

About SRTC

SRTC is the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for Spokane County. Urbanized areas with populations exceeding 50,000 people are required to have an MPO. SRTC was formed to address the county's transportation planning needs. It provides coordination in planning between the public, cities, small towns, the county, the state, transit providers, and tribes.

SRTC offers services including transportation monitoring, transportation modeling, census information analysis, travel demand forecasting, historical traffic count analysis, geographic information systems, and trip generation rates.