Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Public Meeting Tomorrow To Review Transportation Improvement Program

Here's your last reminder that tomorrow is your chance to come talk to us in person about our 2014-2017 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The TIP is a document that contains a list of local projects that are planned for construction in the next four years. We're asking for input on it to make sure that we're allocating money to the projects that you, members of the public, consider to be priorities.

SRTC is hosting a public meeting from 4-6 p.m. tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 25 here in our office at 221 S. First Ave., Suite 310. This is a chance to sit down with a staff member and review the projects, ask questions, make comments, etc. And it's all done in an open house format so you can come and go at anytime during those two hours, depending on what is convenient for you.

If you'd like to check out the TIP in advance of the meeting, here is where you can find it. You'll also find directions there on submitting comments if you can't make it to the meeting.

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About SRTC

SRTC is the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for Spokane County. Urbanized areas with populations exceeding 50,000 people are required to have an MPO. SRTC was formed to address the county's transportation planning needs. It provides coordination in planning between the public, cities, small towns, the county, the state, transit providers, and tribes.

SRTC offers services including transportation monitoring, transportation modeling, census information analysis, travel demand forecasting, historical traffic count analysis, geographic information systems, and trip generation rates.