4th Avenue between Blake and
McDonald- Closed through Wednesday, November 26 for utility work. Signs redirect traffic via 5th Avenue.
Appleway Boulevard from Dora to Park- Brief lane closures for
landscaping and stormwater drainage improvements.
Farr Road from just south of 4th to Appleway- Closed through October 31 for
sidewalk upgrades. Use University or Dishman-Mica as alternatives.
Fox Road from Sprague to 1st - Closed through October 31 for sidewalk
Perrine between Sprague and Main- Closed through October 31 for
sidewalk upgrades.
Sprague Avenue between University and Vista- Reduced to two lanes through October for resurfacing, stormwater drainage improvements and
sidewalk work.
Sullivan Rd Bridge Project area:
Sullivan northbound
curb lane closed between I-90 and Flora Pit Road. One northbound lane will
remain open at all times on the bridge.
Northbound turns from
Indiana onto Sullivan will be reduced to one lane.
The Centennial Trail
below the Sullivan Bridges is closed from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday, October 27
through Friday, October 31 for construction of protective Trail covering. Signs
will redirect Trail users along Indiana Avenue.
Sundown Drive between Bowdish and Hollow
Court- Closed through 5 p.m. on Wednesday, October 29 for sewer work.
Bruce Road Bridge- Bridge Replacement,
Road Work /Barrier/Approach Slab/Guardrail. The bridge will reopen Saturday with flaggers directing traffic. Expect delays.
Wandermere Pathway- Dartford south to “Children of the
Sun” trail, Under construction Pathway/Shoulder
Hayford Road between Westbow
and Richland- Road closed until further notice.
US 195 and SR 27 Congestion- On Saturday, October 25, expect congestion on US 195 and SR 27 between Spokane and
Pullman, plus SR 26 between Vantage and Colfax, as fans travel to and from the
WSU Cougar football game.
I-90/Freya St. to Pines Road- Possible eastbound or westbound left lane restrictions, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays to clean drains in the median.
Washington Street Sidewalk Closures- The sidewalk
at 9 S. Washington will be closed from October 24-28 to fill in a grate.
Washington Street Closure- Two-thirds of Washington will be closed near Boy Scout
Way for fiber optic service installation, October 24 – 31.
12th Avenue Closure- 12th Avenue between Grand Boulevard
and Cowley Street will be closed on October 27 for Rhodes Crane to
set up a crane for hoisting.
High Drive Construction- Pathway grading, paving, shoulder work,
curb ramps, and hydroseeding will continue into next week. Paving on the main roadway is scheduled to be completed next week. The 29th Ave. intersection will be closed Oct. 27-31. This project includes pavement reconstruction, storm, sewer, swales, and water main replacement from 29th Avenue to
Bernard Street. Phase One construction is expected to last until late October.
Phase Two of this project, Bernard Street to Hatch Road, will begin in the
spring of 2015.
Residential Grind and Overlay Project- Crews performed Asphalt
paving on the Arthur Street portion. The project called for completion of grind and overlay
repair on the following streets:
o Pittsburg
Street from Heroy Avenue to Wellesley Avenue and Heroy Avenue from Helena
Street to Pittsburg Street. Work is substantially complete.
o Arthur
Street from 13th Avenue to Newark Avenue (excluding 9th
Avenue west to 9th Avenue east)
o Excell
Avenue from G Street to the beginning of the cul-de-sac east of Audubon Drive.
Removal work has begun.
Greene Street Bridge Watermain- Greene Street from Marshall
Avenue to Carlisle Avenue is reduced to one lane each direction. Carlisle at Greene is also closed and a detour has been put in place. This
project is for work on the existing 30” steel water main that is suspended
under the Greene Street Bridge. This project will pull a 24” pipe through
the existing 30” steel main. The new pipe will not add weight to the bridge due
to the smaller amount of water that will be flowing through the new pipe.
Drywell Installations- This
project will provide drywell installations in nine intersections: 33rd Avenue and High Drive, Jefferson Street
and Regent Court, Jefferson Street and Saxon Court, Lincoln Drive and Saxon
Court, Lincoln Drive and Croydon Court, 36th Avenue and Bernard Street, 37th
Avenue and East Gate Court, 37th Avenue and High Drive and Bernard Street and
High Drive.
Traffic Calming Projects- This project will construct crosswalks, sidewalks, curb
ramps, and place signage around the city.