Friday, February 27, 2015

WA Highway Speed Limits Could Be Going Up

Your lead foot may okay in the near future. The Legislature is considering bills that would increase Washington’s highway speed limit to 75 mph. But only on sections of roadway deemed safe by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), according to the Spokesman-Review. 

Rep. Joe Schmick, R-Colfax, sponsored that bill. Another similar bill, to raise the speed limit on I-90 from Ellensburg to the Spokane County line to 75 mph, was propsoed by Spokane Sen. Michale Baumgartner. It could come to a floor vote in the next few weeks. Baumgartner said some stretches of I-90 are clearly suitable for higher speeds, so the Legislature should raise the speed limit.

The WSDOT and the Traffic Safety Commission have concerns about each proposal, including the safety impact and the growing difference in speeds between passenger vehicles and trucks, which would still have a 60 mph limit.

Under current law, the department or local authorities can adjust speed limits on any road, but only up to 70 mph.

Llamas on the Lam- Just Because It's Friday

For those that missed the llamas on the lam that captivated the nation yesterday, you're welcome. Just because it's Friday. And before you say this isn't transportation related so what the heck am I doing posting it, there was a big discussion in the office about the noticeable lack of llama infrastructure in Sun City. However, as viewed from above, they have an impressive sidewalk network.

Plan Commission Approves Proposed Changes to Spokane City Master Bike Plan

The Spokane Plan Commission held a hearing on updates to the Master Bike Plan this past Wednesday night according to City Councilmember Jon Snyder's blog, and unanimously approved the updates.

The Master Bike Plan was originally passed by City Council in 2009 and had not been updated since then. In the meantime, new bicycle facilities have been built and new concepts embraced.

Councilmember Snyder brought these revisions to the Commission to ensure the plan accurately reflects past, present and future planning efforts for bicycle facilities. The proposed updates will now go before City Council for approval. To find out more about them, click here.

"Guerrilla Wayfinding" Goes Mainstream

It started as a technically illegal grass roots movement to help people find their way around the streets of Raleigh, South Carolina. But now a "guerrilla wayfinding" project is going mainstream with a website where everyday people may soon be able to make wayfinding signs for their city.

This week, thanks to a $182,000 grant from the Knight Foundation, Walk [Your City] announced it is launching pilot projects in Lexington, Kentucky, and San Jose, California, designed to bring its methodology to the next level. People in those cities can create signs directing people to places they think are important to the general public.

Citylabs has how it works.

Spokane Valley Pothole Hotline Open

You may want to call 911 instead of the pothole
hotline if you see something like this.
The folks at the City of Spokane Valley want you to know that pothole repair crews are plugging away at patching potholes early this year. But they need your help identifying where there are holes that need to be fixed.

To report potholes, call 921-1000 or go online to and select the "Report a Pothole" link.  To file your concern, scroll to the "Create a new C.A.R.E.S Request" and select the "Report a Pothole" link from the Public Works options listed.  From here, you will be directed to the online form.
Be sure to provide the following information to help locate the pothole to be repaired:

  • Location of the pothole: a street address closest to the pothole, or a description that includes the name of the street, nearest cross streets, side of the street (north, south, east, west) and the lane in which the pothole can be found (northbound, southbound, eastbound, westbound, curbside, turn lane, etc.).
  • Pothole description: the size or severity of the pothole.
  • Additional information: any supplementary details that may help us fix it.
  • Contact information: if you wish to be contacted about your report, please provide your name and an email address or daytime telephone number where you can be reached.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Some Local Traffic Signals Will No Longer Flash During Early Morning Hours

The City will be terminating programmed flash – setting traffic signals flash during early morning hours – at four intersections along Division Street in Spokane.

Programmed flash will be eliminated at the following intersections beginning Tuesday, March 3:

·         Division Street & Garland Avenue
·         Division Street & Queen Avenue
·         Division Street & Rowan Avenue
·         Division Street & Central Avenue

Vehicle detection systems at each intersection were completed in January, so programmed flash is no longer needed to facilitate traffic flows. Vehicle detection allows the signals to respond promptly to vehicle demand. The system will allow for more efficient service during low volumes times when programmed flash was previously used (1 a.m. to 5 a.m. weekdays and 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. on weekends). 

Eliminating programmed flash also provides for 24/7 operation of pedestrian signals at those intersections. Pedestrian signals do not work during programmed flash.

Shaming Drivers Who Park In Bike Lanes

So far it doesn't appear to be a problem in our area because most of our bicycling infrastructure is fairly new but other communities have a major problem with vehicles parking in bike lanes.

It's been happening so much in Toronto that some bicyclists are taking vigilante justice, sticking bright green stickers on violator's cars that say "I parked in a bike lane." And they're going through them fast.

CoExist has the story, and how drivers are reacting to finding a sticker on their car.

Bill Would Require Neon Clothes & A Govt ID to Ride Your Bike

How about this? Is this enough inches
of reflective awesomeness?
You've got your bike lock, your helmet, your bike light, a rack for carrying stuff and.... two hundred square inches of reflective neon and a government issued identification? Those last two items could be requirements for bicyclists in Wyoming if a bill passes that goes before the state House today.

The text of the bill requires cyclists to wear no less than 200 square inches “of high-visibility fluorescent orange, green or pink color clothing visible from the front and rear of the bicycle,” which many bicycling advocates say is overkill, especially during the day and for children who may not even have 200 square inches of body surface.

Their biggest complaint though is the requirement to carry identification while riding and some who oppose the bill asked if pedestrians will also be ordered to carry ID while walking.

Big Drop In Commuters Who Drive Alone In Seattle

New numbers out of Seattle show that the share of downtown workers who commute alone by car has dropped significantly in the last 15 years.

The rate of solo car commuting to downtown Seattle was 50 percent in 2000. It was measured again in 2012. Streetsblog tells us what the percentage is today.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

"Smart Signs" Could Soon Tell Police If You're Speeding

You know those electronic signs that show you how fast you're going when you drive past them? Well in some areas they'll be doing a lot more than showing your speed in the near future. They'll be alerting nearby police officers if you're speeding. KING TV has the story.

Refinements to US 2 Safety Improvements

The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) has been studying the situation on US 2 just north of Spokane for a while now. Increased commercial and residential development there has caused traffic volumes to increase by nearly 9 percent in the last 10 years. As a result, collisions related to traffic congestion are on the rise.

In late 2014, WSDOT announced several potential changes to the lane configuration on US 2 between the SR 206 intersection and Day-Mt. Spokane Road.  Citizen and business owners followed up with questions, concerns, and comments on the design, giving WSDOT planners some additional challenges to work through.

On Thursday, March 12, the Washington State Department of Transportation wants to get everyone back together again for a public open house to present the new design refinements for this section of US 2. 

Here are the details:

5 – 8 p.m., Thursday, Mar. 12, 2015
Mountainside Middle School
4717 E. Day-Mt. Spokane Rd., Colbert, WA

Changes Proposed to the Transportation Improvement Program

We're proposing a couple changes to the 2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and looking for input on them.

The TIP is a document that identifies projects programmed to be undertaken or constructed during the upcoming four years. The TIP includes project names and descriptions, the jurisdiction sponsoring them, funding attached to each project, and where the funding came from (local, state or federal funds).

It is amended regularly as our partner agencies have projects to add, change or remove from the document. Details for this latest proposed amendment are here (click the picture to see it full size):

If you have anything to share on this proposed amendment, you're encouraged to provide comments by emailing, mailing to SRTC at 221 W. 1st Ave., Suite 310, Spokane, WA 99201 or by calling (509) 343-6370. All comments must be received by 4 p.m. on Friday, March 6, 2015.  

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Giant Mound of Snow No Match For Tunnel Digging Bicyclists

Okay, THIS is hardcore. Ever had to change your bicycling or walking route because Mother Nature left a bunch of snow on the ground and it was plowed up into a giant mound right in the way of your regular commute. That's what happened in Boston.

The impediment didn't stay long though because of one bicyclist and his friends who didn't want to wait months for it to melt but instead turned it into a tunnel. Check it out in the video, it's pretty cool.

"Taxibot" to Save Jet Fuel Used To Taxi To Runway

Why drive when you can be towed? If you drive an airplane anyway. Jet fuel is extremely expensive and apparently a lot of it gets burned just taxiing from the gate to the runway. A new robot in Germany is aimed at reducing this waste by towing planes to the takeoff position.

Here's more about it.

Report Paints Scary Picture of Predicted Fuel Train Derailments

If you were already worried about the potential for accidents involving trains hauling fuel, a new report isn't going to make you feel any better. The federal government predicts trains hauling crude oil or ethanol will derail an average of 10 times a year over the next two decades. If that's not bad enough, the analysis by the Department of Transportation (DOT) says these derailments will cause more than $4 billion in damage and possibly kill hundreds of people if they take place in densely populated areas.

Want more? The Spokesman-Review breaks down the numbers even more. And just so you know- the highest amount of derailments is predicted to happen this year. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Kendall Yards Intersection Getting A Traffic Signal

Kendall Yards while still under cosntruction.
A potentially dangerous intersection in Spokane is about to get a new traffic light. With construction of the Kendall Yards development north of the Spokane River, an increase in traffic has been noticed, along with more people traveling via foot or bike. In response, the developer of Kendall Yards is paying to install the signal.

The Spokesman-Review has more on why this is not only good for those trying to cross the street but also those trying to get out into traffic in vehicles.

Spokane Valley Comp Plan Update- Here's the Latest

Click to view this flyer full size.
The City of Spokane Valley is updating it's Comprehensive Plan, including the part on transportation and community development.

An initial round of public meetings were held in February on the topic with a strong turnout from the community who provided a lot of input.

Now the City is hosting a “report-back” meeting to present the themes that emerged from the input received. The following topics will be revisited: Transportation, Housing, Community Character, and Economic Opportunity, and the Community Vision.  Additional exercises will be conducted and staff will describe the next steps of the update process. 

This Comp Plan update is important as it is the first major one since the City incorporated in 2003.  The Comp Plan is the City’s official statement concerning its vision for future growth and development and you can help shape that vision by participating in the "report-back" meeting on March 4, 2015 at 6 p.m. at CenterPlace Regional Event Center, 2426 N Discovery Pl, Spokane Valley, WA 99216.

The Many Benefits of Simply Sweeping the Streets

Spokane Valley is cleaning up it's streets. And a lot earlier than usual. Street sweeping crews are already out picking up sand and debris left from winter. This isn't just done to make roads look better, if left in place dirt and other items can clog stormwater drainage systems. 

Coupled with rain or runoff from the warmer weather, pooled water at the clogged drain not only poses a driving hazard, it accelerates deterioration of the street surface. It's also more cost-effective to sweep debris out of the roadway and away from drains rather than vacuuming accumulations out of the drywells.  

In addition, sweeping helps maintain air quality by removing excess dust and dirt that can get blown into the air by breezes and passing vehicles.  That's especially important to keeping air clean and minimizing health risks from breathing airborne particulates. 

 Pedestrians, bicyclists and those using wheeled mobility devices also benefit from increased stability due to less dirt and gravel on sidewalks and in bike lanes.

With that said, keep all those benefits in mind if you encounter slow-moving street sweeping vehicles along arterials over the next few weeks during daylight hours from 7 a.m. to  5 p.m.  Depending on the weather, sweeping in residential areas could begin as early as mid-March.  Regular sweeping of arterials will continue into fall along with sweeping of other areas as needed. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Walking School Bus Practice

It's a bus that transports children but there's no driver and no engine. "Walking School Buses" are headed to schools near you this spring, through the Spokane Regional Health District's Safe Routes to School program. The "buses" are groups of children walking together, with adult volunteers who pick up more children as they progress on the route. They're aimed at encouraging exercise, keeping kids safe and reducing vehicles on the roadway that would otherwise be driving these kids to school.

In advance of the program's launch in April at Holmes and Seth Woodard elementary schools, practice runs have been underway. The Spokesman-Review went along for the "ride" yesterday.

Online Tool Helps Truck Drivers Avoid Getting Stuck Under Bridges

You know those truck drivers you see with their trucks stuck under bridges that didn't have enough
clearance? If you're a truck driver, there's a way to avoid now, and it doesn't involve trying to guess how tall a bridge is. The Washington State Department has a new online tool that allows truck drivers to easily research bridge heights – and potential conflicts – along their route.

The state route bridge vertical clearance trip planner uses GIS mapping to show drivers which bridges on their proposed route should be avoided or approached with caution because heights may vary by lane. It also helps when applying for trip permits.

There are also some potential private-sector uses for the trip planner. Fore more information, here's a WSDOT article on it. To try it out, you can go here. It's kind of fun to play around with.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Spokane Transit Sales Tax Increase Voters Guide

If you're reading this, I'm sure you're aware that Spokane Transit has a proposed sales tax increase on the ballot for this April.You may not know what all that will cover though or what the effect will be to your wallet. For instance, did you know that the tax won't apply to gas or most food?

There's a TON of information on the ballot measure in an electronic voting guide that STA just published to their website. Check it out here before making up your mind on how to vote. 

It's Alive!!

Bertha is getting back to work this week, but will she come out roaring or will it be more like a whine? That's what critics are wondering as "Bertha," the giant boring machine being used to dig a tunnel under Seattle is brought back to life.

Bertha had several mechanical problems over the past year that left it sitting idle for almost that long.  According to Q13 Fox, the Washington State Department of Transportation says the rotary drill will have to be stopped periodically to allow it to cool off, as it has a tendency to overheat.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

2015 State Transportation Funding Initiatives

Washington isn't the only state fighting to have transportation funding legislation considered. Twenty-one other states are in the same boat, with more expected throughout the year.

The staff at the Transportation Investment Advocate have already tracked 48 transportation funding bills introduced in 2015, with over 70 bills in total pending legislative action. That's a lot of attention on transportation!

Eleven states are currently considering increasing their gas taxes, Michigan voters will decide on a ballot measure that would result in a transportation funding increase, and three states are currently considering legislation to protect their transportation funds. And there's lots more.
Here's a quick summary of everything that's happening from

East Coasters Get Territorial Over Parking Spots

With the huge amount of snow hitting the east coast, apparently there's some informal understanding (apparently not by everyone) that if you shovel out a parking spot and put a placeholder (usually some piece of expendable furniture) in it, it's yours for at least 48 hours, even when you're not there. Well, the system must not be working very well because I've seen numerous media accounts of confrontations caused by people parking in these spots who didn't dig them out. Like this one below (click to view full size).

The man who carried out this retribution spoke to anonymously and says people commented on his picture, saying he should do a lot worse things, like pop the car's tires. Yikes, the snow is starting to mess with people's minds.

Monday, February 16, 2015

And the Winner of the "Sorriest Bus Stop" Award Is...

Streetsblog USA asked for your nominations for the "sorriest bus stop" and boy did you deliver! The winner? A lonely bus sign next to Lindbergh Boulevard (which, judging from the picture, is pretty much a highway) in suburban St. Louis. In my mind, this is what it would look like if they put a bus stop next to I90 going through Spokane Valley.

The stop is actually an important connection point, although it baffles me as to how people get to it. I don't see a sidewalk anywhere nearby. Here's more on this winner of a loser bus stop.

Health District Rolls Out Safe Routes to School Program

To encourage more of Spokane’s children to walk and bike to school, Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) launched a Safe Routes to School Spokane program (Safe Routes) this week.

Slated to roll out to seven area public grade schools during the next three years, the program is being introduced this spring first at Holmes and Seth Woodard elementaries.

The program includes:

  • Walking School Buses: a group of children walking to school with two or more trained adults to help keep kids safe. 
  • Stop and Walk Links: Parents who do not live on a Walking School Bus route can drop students off at a designated location to join friends in chaperoned walks to school.
  • Resource Boards: These interactive displays located by school offices offer calendars, resources and helpful tips to stay safe while getting active.
  • Safe Routes Challenge Programs: Fun prizes like bikes, helmets, backpacks and tennis shoes will reward children’s walking, biking and distance-traveled.
  • Coming soon, a web site for students, parents, neighbors, staff and volunteers offering safe driving pledges, featured stories, videos, WSB info and much more.
  • Parent Portal: A secure page on the Safe Routes web site with details about walking school bus routes and pick-up times.
  • Walk and Bike to School Day: Spring and fall celebrations encouraging walking and biking to school.

Here's more on the Safe Routes to School program and the benefits of walking or bicycling to school.

Master Bike Plan Open House

There are some changes on the table for the City of Spokane's Master Bike Plan, and staff there wants to know what you think of them.

Efforts are underway to add bicycle facilities to the Bike Plan such as the Dwight Merkel Park trail loop and the Spokane International Airport bike lane loop, as well as upcoming projects on the Centennial and Fish Lake trails. Here's more on the Planned Bikeway Network Map. There are also some suggestions on new ways to redesign redesign Spokane's bike map.

That's where you come in. Staff would like to hear from you on your opinion of the suggested changes. An open house on the bike plan amendment is scheduled for tomorrow, Tues., Feb. 17 at 5 p.m. in the Chase Gallery at City Hall (808 West Spokane Falls Boulevard). Come check out what's planned and tell them what you think.

Friday, February 13, 2015

This Is A New Street Sign By Me

What would you think if you were driving down the street and saw this sign? Beware of flying monkeys? If you walk outside the crosswalk you'll be punished by a giant bird of prey? Both wrong. The City of Salem, OR is posting these signs near a park and popular jogging hill, warning people that an angry owl could swoop down on them at any moment.

Sound random? It's not, it's been happening. It's not. Here's the story from

Legislature to Consider Two New Studded Tire Bills

The Washington State Legislature is taking on the question of studded tires once again. Sponsors are
hoping that, if passed, two proposed bills will recoup some of the costs to repair damage to our roads caused by studded tires.

HB 1653 would impose an annual $100-per-vehicle permit and a $500 fine. SB 5610 calls for a $75 permit and a $75 fine. Both bills steer the money back to road maintenance. A motorist who still wanted to use studded tires would purchase and place a sticker on the rear license plate. For easy detection, the background color of the permit would change each year.

An editorial in the Spokesman-Review this week says the newspaper supports an annual permit for use of studded tires. The article can be found here.

Presidents Day Closures

City of Spokane Valley and Spokane County offices will be closed Monday, February 16 for the President's Day holiday. Other area government offices will remain open.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

City Tries Unusual Signs To Slow Traffic

A new pedestrain crossing sign is photographed along Carlos Bee Boulevard on Feb. 9, 2015, in Hayward.One community in California's Bay area is taking a new approach to getting people to slow down and drive, walk and bicycle more safely.

City workers in Hayward installed some offbeat traffic signs on a street known for speeding cars. They're hoping the signs will stand out from the old-style signs that everyone knows and ignores. They're also cheaper than other traffic calming measures such as bulb-outs, speed bumps and roundabouts.

You can see more of the quirky signs here.

Does The Terminology Used to Promote Safe Streets Change The Conversation>

"Cyclists" or "people on bikes?" Does it matter what you call them? Yes, according to a group out of Seattle who says that the terminology used for people who ride bicycles could make them safer.

Since 2011, a group called Seattle Neighborhood Greenways (SNG) has made a conscious effort to change the way they talk about biking, walking, and pretty much everything else to do with the way their city’s streets are used by human beings.

In addition to rebranding bicyclists as "people on bikes," SNG developed a list of new ways to talk about their concerns and promoted it in handy chart form, which you can see to the left. Click on it to read it full size.

Or read this article from Citylab for more information. Anyone have additional suggestions?

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

"X-Ray Glasses" Developed To Aid In Parallel Parking

Hopefully these goggles will make you a better
parker than this.
What's more cool- a backup camera on your car or X-ray glasses that allow you to see through your
car to parallel park more easily? Definitely the glasses. Science fiction? Nope, BMW has actually created goggles that use exterior cameras to project a view of cars and potential hazards outside the vehicle. So, it appears to the wearer that they're actually looking through the side of their car.

The Drum takes a look at this technology.

Local Centennial Trail Priorities For 2015

The Friends of the Centennial Trail group has determined their priorities for 2015, including:

  • Finalize a gap completion plan for Argonne Road.
  • Advocate for funding and construction plans for the Mission Street gap completion Phases 2 and 3.
  • Create a plan to replace the deck surface and repaint the Don Kardong Bridge.
  • Create a long-term solution for the Trail gap from Boone to TJ Meenach Bridge that provides Class 1 roadway separation.
  • Support the Centennial Trail extension construction from Sontag Park to Lake Spokane through $20,000 in matching funds from our Trail Builder's Fund. 
  • Plan, design, produce and install new and improved directional and safety signs on the Centennial Trail.
  • Keep printed and digital maps and Trail posters updated as gaps are completed. 
  • Film a bike riding experience of the length of the Centennial Trail, post in on YouTube and link it to the FCT website.
  • Create a Centennial Trail impact study, where users and types of usage are counted each spring, summer and fall. 

Proposed Bill Would Allow Adults To Decide Whether Or Not To Wear A Motorcycle Helmet

Another proposed transportation bill (see previous post) says that if adults don’t want to wear helmets while riding motorcycles, they shouldn’t have to.

Washington is one of 19 states that require a helmet for anyone riding a motorcycle or moped on state highways, county roads and city streets. SB 5198, which got a hearing Monday before the Senate Transportation Committee, would allow adults to forgo protective headgear. Again, the Spokesman-Review has more on this proposal.

Proposed Bill Would Expand Rules on Driving, Cellphone Use

A proposed bill would expand cellphone driving restrictions to cover activities not currently illegal under Washington's current distracted driving law. Some of those include checking email, browsing Facebook and- yes- taking selfies.

Senate Bill 5656 went before the state Senate Transportation Committee yesterday. It would bar drivers from sending or receiving any information without a hands-free device. And another change- this one's a BIG one- under this bill, infractions for cellphone use would appear on driving records, unlike today.

Here's more on this proposed bill from the Spokesman-Review.

Monday, February 9, 2015

City Council to Consider Property Tax Exemption for Low Income Seniors & Disabled Individuals

The Spokane City Council tonight will consider an emergency ordinance to authorize a property tax exemption for qualified low-income seniors and disabled individuals that would apply to the City’s recently passed street levy. The exemption would take effect immediately.

A press release just sent out by City staff quotes Mayor Condon  as saying, “We told our citizens our street levy proposal would buy additional street improvements without increasing tax rates, and we will live up to that commitment with this action.”

The City’s proposed exemption mirrors one already allowed by state law, but the Washington State Department of Revenue contends that its exemption program doesn’t apply to the new street levy as it did to the previous 2004 street bond.  Rather than spending public dollars and unnecessary time on a legal action, the City has decided to adopt its own exemption program to apply to the new street levy and similar measures.

The exemption program applies to seniors or disabled individuals with a household income of $35,000 or less. Citizens can apply for the property exemption through the Spokane County Assessor’s Office. Information is available at

Fatalities at Railroad Crossings Increasing

The number of fatalities at railroad crossings are starting to creep up after years of decline, and officials say it may be due to the improving economy. Over the past decade, collisions involving vehicles and trains dropped by more than one-third. In 2014, the numbers were going the other way though.

So what does the economy have to do with railroad deaths? has the story.

Fatal Plan Crash Blamed On Pilot Selfie

The National Transportation Safety Board recently found selfies to blame for a fatal private plane crash in Colorado last year. And now it appears that the use of electronic devices in the cockpit (other than those required to fly the plane) aren't as rare as you think. In one instance, a commercial flight missed it's destination by over 100 miles because the pilot was playing a game on a laptop!

Just googling "pilot selfies" comes up with several pictures of people taking pictures of themselves, although some are obviously before take off.  Instagram reportedly also has many pictures of pretty clouds, landmarks as seen from above, etc. that were taken from the cockpit.

Aren't there rules against this sort of thing? The FAA does require what they call a "sterile cockpit," but only during takeoff and landing. So will new laws or legislation be passed against selfies, pilot gaming, beauty shots, etc.? NPR looks at the issue.

SRTC Board Meeting This Thursday, Feb. 12

The February meeting of SRTC's Board is this Thursday, Feb. 12 at 1 p.m. On the agenda this month is electing officers, discussing and setting objectives for 2015, and a very exciting budget update (aren't they all?). The full agenda can be found here. 

As always, all SRTC committee Board and committee meetings are open to the public, so if you're interested, feel free to attend. You learn some interesting stuff.

About SRTC

SRTC is the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for Spokane County. Urbanized areas with populations exceeding 50,000 people are required to have an MPO. SRTC was formed to address the county's transportation planning needs. It provides coordination in planning between the public, cities, small towns, the county, the state, transit providers, and tribes.

SRTC offers services including transportation monitoring, transportation modeling, census information analysis, travel demand forecasting, historical traffic count analysis, geographic information systems, and trip generation rates.