Proposed Amendment Would Change Two STA Projects
A proposed
amendment to the 2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) would
increase the cost of Spokane Transit Authority’s (STA’s) proposed West Plains
Transit Center and provide funds for projects that benefit seniors and people
with disabilities who have transportation disadvantages. The Spokane Regional
Transportation Council (SRTC) is looking for input from the public on this
suggested amendment.
The TIP is a
document that identifies projects programmed to be undertaken or constructed
during the upcoming four years. It includes project names and descriptions, the
jurisdiction sponsoring them, funding attached to each project, and where the
funding came from (local, state or federal funds).
The TIP is
amended regularly as SRTC’s member jurisdictions have projects to add, change
or remove from the Program. The latest proposed amendment is below. Click the picture to view it full size. Details can also be viewed on the
SRTC website at
A public comment period for the amendment starts today, June 25, 2015.
All comments must be received by 4 p.m. on Monday, July 6, 2015. Comments
can be submitted by emailing to, mailed to SRTC at 221 W. 1st Ave.,
Suite 310, Spokane, WA, or by calling (509) 343-6370.
About SRTC
SRTC is the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for Spokane County. Urbanized areas with populations exceeding 50,000 people are required to have an MPO. SRTC was formed to address the county's transportation planning needs. It provides coordination in planning between the public, cities, small towns, the county, the state, transit providers, and tribes.
SRTC offers services including transportation monitoring, transportation modeling, census information analysis, travel demand forecasting, historical traffic count analysis, geographic information systems, and trip generation rates.
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